Thursday, July 31, 2008

Walla Walla Sweets

In Seattle, it's Rachel, the Pike Place Market pig. Five years ago, in Vienna, I photographed life-size models of Lippizan horses, fancifully painted and decorated. In Chicago, Mrs. O'Leary's cow appears on the streets from time to time.

Here in Walla Walla, they've incorporated their iconic onion into the art scene. Not pictured here is my favorite - decorated to resemble Blue Willow chinaware, complete with a picture representing pioneer life.

Music camp races along, as everyone prepares for "sampling" on Saturday morning (60 groups, each given a very brief time to perform) and the final orchestra, band and choir concert on Saturday evening. Adult music camps are full of the same people you knew at music camp in high school - those who practice all the time, some who never practice, the ones who would rather do ANYTHING than practice (but do it anyway.) At music camp everyone plays all day, and some stay up to play half the night.

"Best week of my life," said someone this morning.

Now I have to go practice.

1 comment:

Zanne said...

But do give yourself time to play too - in the impish sense of the word. I look forward to your stories on your return.