Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Great-grandchildren? The New Yorker?

More gleanings from class notes:

While some still wait for a grandchild, other classmates have several great-grandchildren. (And, as you suspect, one or two of these great-grannies will be among the best-looking women at the reunion.)

I haven't seen the New Yorker cover in full color yet, but the picture in today's paper was disturbing enough. David Remnick, in last night's NPR interview, suggested it is elitist to think that people (read: "red-state people") won't get it. I think those who won't under any circumstances vote for a black man with an ominously Muslim-sounding name will be delighted to see the cartoon.

At coffee yesterday, a friend shared his literate, well-written, blazingly angry letter to the New Yorker. The magazine should be prepared for many like it.

1 comment:

Ian said...

After initial outrage, I came around to Jon Stewart's take on the cover, which is that Obama should have said he had no problem with a cartoon that depicted him as a Muslim extremist as the people who have problems with satirical cartoons are Muslim extremists.