Friday, April 25, 2008

Spring - finally?

Snow is NOT predicted this weekend -- at least not here! It may at last be possible to put away the silk long johns and Smartwool socks.

I'm celebrating by heading for Vashon Island, a place close by but a little removed from ordinary life because you can only get there by ferry. World War II interrupted plans for a grand system of bridges to link Vashon to the mainland and then to the Kitsap Peninsula. Now no one suggests this kind of construction (though a few new ferries would be nice!)

Chickadees have definitely moved in. For a couple of weeks they have been flying back and forth, in and out of the box, but I could never see that they were carrying nesting materials. Today one of the birds paused on a favorite perch - a handy potted privet - long enough for me to see the piece of fluff in its beak.

From my bed, I can see the the chickadees approach the box, then watch it swing while they busy themselves inside. Sparky does a lot of birdwatching from her cat tree (safely indoors), making chattery hunting noises.

Part of blogging fun is to check all that fascinating information out on the web. I am always attracted to stories about archaeological excavations, especially when the finds include jewelry. This necklace is from Peru - read the story here.

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