Sunday, April 27, 2008


Nice time at Vashon with son & daughter-in-law, visiting, reading, relaxing, listening to this, the best Saturday night program ever. Son/chef made sourdough bread, a vegetable-and-smoked salmon frittatta, and a salad with greens & beets. Lots of the ingredients fresh from the farmers' market that morning.

Later we checked out the hot tub, listening for splashing out on the water that might or might not be marine mammals. You never know. (One Christmas we were entertained by four harbor seals that cavorted and vocalized near the beach.)

Best wildlife sighting this trip came when DIL and I had to slow the car to let a cock pheasant strut across the road this morning.

It was very early - we were on our way to the 7:10 a.m. ferry, so we could be on time for choir practice and two services. This is true devotion to music!

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