Sunday, August 15, 2010

When the Paris high is lower than Seattle's low....'s almost time to go home! Amidst reports of record-breaking hot weather in Seattle, we listened to the steady drip drip drip of rain today - then went out in it anyway.

The Sunday market at Place de Bastille, always a lively scene, was almost as crowded as ever, and you had to be careful to dodge the umbrellas. We bought a slice of farm-made Brie, a small Charentais melon, some small sweet green plums, a bottle of Beaujolais Villages red, and a long baguette topped with poppy seeds. The bread man sliced it in half so it would fit into a bag that could be kept dry for the trip home.

(No pretzels at a Paris market, so far as I know - these pictures are from Salzburg!)

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