Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Photos and other things

There's nothing like an official memory book project to take away the desire to blog.

On the other hand, resurrecting some old photos to use (by having them transferred from film to disc) reminded me that I do enjoy working with a camera. This picture is of spices in the market at Nice, taken in September of 2001. (Click on the picture to make it larger.)

Now that the "official" project is finished, I can return to random writings. Even poetry, thanks to a class I've been attending for a month or two. So far I've produced nothing new, just revised some old pieces.

The class feels more like a poetry support group (thanks to R. for the insight!) but since it encourages writing or revising, it's a help. And it reminds me that I have been privileged to work with some really fine teachers.

The memory book is for the partner church group. Someone is bound to be miffed because a particular picture was left out, or an activity slighted, but such is life.

I worked with an on-line album-making program, and found (on a first try, at least) that it was almost as time-consuming and frustrating as working with scissors, paper and glue.

However, as one Facebook friend pointed out, I didn't get glitter all over my fingers.

(It had never occurred to me to use glitter in an album. Not even cyber-glitter.)


Zanne said...

What about puffy ink pens? Metallic highlighters? :)

Julie said...

I'm way behind the times!