Sunday, February 14, 2010

Back to Transylvania...

At least in the imagination. Because I'm working on a project connected with the upcoming 20th anniversary of the partnership between our Unitarian church and the Unitarian church in the Romanian village of Torockószentgyörgy, I've been immersed in pictures from many people and many trips. They all bring back good memories.

The first picture combines two icons of our partner village - the ruined fortress on a nearby hilltop, and a typical Transylvanian haystack. The fortress will last, but I suspect the haystacks will, sooner or later, give way to conventional hay bales.

As will ox-drawn wagons. I'm just glad to have seen them in action.

In honor of Valentine's Day, I include this picture, of a box painted in the characteristic colors and designs of the region. For years an elderly woman in the village painted boxes like these, and now one of the younger residents has taken up the craft.

Unitarian churches in Transylvania are MUCH more colorful than their North American counterparts. All that red and white trim is embroidery work, done by generations of village women.

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