Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I like Halloween, but...

The decor is getting out of hand. In my neighborhood, most confine themselves to a pumkin or two or three, sometimes carved, sometimes not.

With a ghoulish touch, sometimes.

Then there are the others. Every October something new is added to the mix at this place. This year it's giant (I mean King Crab-size) artificial spiders splayed across the house front.

(They could have saved money just by asking for one or two of the arachnids that found their way into my third floor living room this fall. Even the ferocious feline, terror of flies, moths and small birds, was intimidated.)

About 25 years ago, Halloween seemed to morph from a children's holiday to one fully embraced by adults of a certain age. Before then I don't remember seeing bank tellers and store clerks in costume - now they're everywhere, especially if October 31 falls near a weekend.

Now the costume (and yard display) season seems to begin as soon as October chills set in.

(Though, as a friend pointed out some years ago, there are parts of Seattle in which Halloween appears to last most of the year.)

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