Monday, September 7, 2009

Don't forget the bumbershoot(s)

After the longest, hottest, driest summer ever, it was almost inevitable that Bumbershoot, the annual end-of-summer festival, would be soggy. As soon as everyone is safely back at work or school, the sun will come out again, for a while, but in the meantime it feels as if we have gone from summer to winter in a couple of weeks.

Coming up: choir, committee things, playing flute again. Now that the cast is off my wrist, all that hand motion is good rehab. Long past when the doctor said it was OK to drive, I avoided my car's stiff 5-speed shift, but last Friday it was time to get out of the garage and back on the road.

I made it as far as a long line of cars waiting for the Fremont Bridge to close. When traffic began to move again, I turned on the ignition - and got steady, ominous clicking. I was able to get the car out of the way, and the Triple A rescue truck came promptly - but by the time the car was fitted with a new battery, I was ready to start the day over.

Always listen to the wise neighbor who suggests trying out the car before you need to take it somewhere. (But your mishap will give her such a good laugh!)

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