Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lovely weather - for flowers

But it's still too hot, especially at night. Years ago a colleague of my late husband's said that people in the Northwest are like house plants - unhappy if the temperature goes much above or much below 65.

Just by luck, I replanted the deck pots the day before I broke my wrist, and the cast does not get in the way of watering or deadheading. Petunias respond to good weather and regular attention with a bounty of blossoms.

The Blue Angels roared overhead for the last time today, the finale of Seafair. The planes are so loud and so fast that it's a trick to spot them, because they are always far ahead of the sound.

The other major weekend noisemakers were the hydroplanes that race on Lake Washington. Although their turbine engines seem loud enough (we could hear them all too well when we lived on the east side, several miles north of the race area,) an article in the Seattle Times said some old-timers miss the real "thunderboats" - the first, post-WWII hydros, powered by airplane engines! (Think B-29 with a roostertail.)

I'm ready for rain. The grass is brown everywhere, and even the broad-leafed plants are drooping.

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