Sunday, September 7, 2008

Not quite the end of summer ...

About halfway through Labor Day weekend, summer returned for a brief encore here in the NW corner.

All the better to observe a convergence of birthdays and anniversaries, most of them happy.

Best place for this is Vashon, where last weekend my son celebrated his 40th. Although I lost track of just how many friends filtered through the cabin during the weekend, I do know we set 17 places for Sunday night's dinner. Guests ranged in age from 3 weeks on up. Nice to have a couple of 8-year olds running in and out, taking semi-supervised outings to the beach below the house ("Stay where we can see you!") and returning with handfuls of shells and "really interesting" stones. Puzzles and games that have been on the shelves for 30-plus years still have power to attract, even when a TV and videos are available.

(Thanks to Mary for the pictures!)

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