Sunday, March 9, 2008

Even on a gray day ...

Spring is coming! In this mild climate, there are trees that send out blossoms in January, but this one, on a street where I walk almost every day, doesn't flower until days are longer and the sun grows warmer.

Today I was thinking about poetry, wondering why I've written so little in the past two years. (It's definitely not from a dearth of subject matter.)

Next Monday I begin a workshop at Richard Hugo House, one class a week for several weeks with a well-known Northwest poet. This already feels like a jump into the deep end of the pool, or dashing into Lake Washington for a polar bear swim (no, I haven't tried that particular exercise) but sometimes it's the best way to get going again.

If I can finish knitting the sweater I started last week, and produce a couple of decent poems, it will be a good spring.

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