On better days, the lake looks like this. (That's the police fireboat, checking nozzles.)

I know spring is coming, because I have now seen at least two crows carrying nesting material. Yesterday the bird had so long a stick in its beak that it had trouble finding a place to land.

Best bird sighting yesterday was the Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus) that flew out of a flowering quince just ahead of me. It landed in a bare tree nearby, long enough for a good look. However they manage it, two species of hummingbirds - Rufous and Anna's - winter over in the Pacific NW. (Thanks to a hummingbird fanciers' site on the web for this picture.)
Chickadees have checked out the nesting box once or twice, but show no interest in starting a nest. Perhaps if I added a heat lamp...